We are an IRS 501C3 Non profit organization!
The life you save may be your own or a loved one! Make one or more of the kits and donate to your local First Responders, plus keep one for your emergencies.
Saving a life is easy if you are prepared. Trauma Aid to keep a victim alive until EMS gets to the scene.
Our goal is to promote the following actions:
Everyone should learn how to stop the bleeding. You can take a class HERE.
Build Stop the Bleeding Kits for Yourself, Your Family and For your communities First Responders – EMS, Fire, Rescue, Law Enforcement!
Donate to the First Responders Today!
Building a Stop the Bleeding Kit Part I & II
Download First Aid training Powerpoint here.
Arterial injuries can lead to death quickly!
Up to 200,000+ people die each year from hemorrhagic/ hypovolemic shock!
Another 30,000+ have traumatic amputations and ~40+% die before they enter the EMS system!
The EMS "Golden Hour" starts when the victim enters emergency care but the victim MUST have enough blood to carry oxygen to the Heart, Brain and Core to survive - That is why Stopping Bleeding whether Arterial or severe Venal is so IMPORTANT !

1) - Stop Arterial Bleeding with Tourniquet
2) - Check for and treat lung penetrations
3) - Stop major Venal Bleeding
4) - Start Cardiac Resuscitation if no heartbeat
Once you have done all the above
- Do Not Remove Anything - Bandages, Tourniquet, Chest Wound Closure!
- Await the EMS Teams.
Injuries that can cause one to bleed to death include:
· gunshot wounds #1
· crush or traumatic amputation of extremity from car accidents..etc
· stab or puncture wounds
· deep cuts or lacerations
Depending on the artery, some arteries like the Dorsalis Pedis (foot) Artery you'll have a few minutes, but with the Femoral (Leg) , Brachial (Arm) or Carotid (Neck) Artery, one can bleed out fast and lose consciousness in less than a minute and completely bleed out in less than 5 minutes!
Remember the adult heart pumps blood at several liters per minute at high pressure (up to 4 PSI) and an adult has about 4 or 5 liters of blood.
- A loss of 15 +% blood volume loss the mean arterial and pulse pressures fall and heart rate increases resulting in more blood loss and shock.
- A loss of greater than 40% is life threatening and CPR may be needed on top of stopping the bleeding.
Arterial bleeding is easy to recognize – Bright red blood gushing out following the heart pulse. Venial bleeding is more of an oozing and darker in color.
Basic Steps to stop or mitigate Arterial bleeding -
- Application of Tourniquet to stop Arterial Bleeding (Arterial Wounds Only)
- Direct Pressure on other wounds and Elevation of the extremity

A "Stop the Bleed" Kit
Mollie Pouch - Orange for High Visibility
Orange ChemLight - To see wound and to mark the victim for EMS rescue!
EMS Shear - To get access to the wound
Tourniquet - To stop Arterial Bleeding (only)
Two 4 inch Military Field Dressing -
4X4 gauze sponges - non woven about 1" thick
Plastic zip lock bag – Protect Gauze above and can be used to mitigate a sucking Chest Wound along with or without Vaseline gauze,
Vaseline Gauze X 2 for sucking chest wound closure
Self-Adhesive Elastic Bandage Gauze Wrap 3"x 5 yards
Thermal Mylar Emergency Blanket
Soon Adding - BleedStop - The newest FDA approved Hemostatic